The Scholarship Academy

In Person Office Hours at the College Access Hub

Request Form
Student Name:
Student Email Address:
Student Phone Number (10 digits, no spaces or dashes needed):
Parent Name:
Parent Email Address:
Parent Phone Number (10 digits, no spaces or dashes needed):
Zip Code:
Grade Level / Classification:
Subject You Need Help With:
Organization Affiliation:
Office Hours Access Code:
If you're not a member of one of our current partner organizations, kindly input the access code you received. This helps us tailor our services to meet your specific needs. If you did not receive an access code, enter your school/organization name or "none".
Request a Scholarship Coach to Meet With (Optional):
If you previously met with a scholarship coach and would like to meet with that person again, enter their name below. We will try to accommodate all request, but cannot guarantee you will meet with the requested coach.

How did you hear about the Scholarship Academy

Date You're Available:

Time You're Available: